Hotung Investment Holdings Limited (“Company”) and its subsidiaries (together, “Group”) believe that good corporate governance practices are the foundation for a well-managed and efficient organization. The Board of Directors (“Board”) remains committed to the principles of good corporate governance and to achieving a high standard of business integrity in compliance with the Code of Corporate Governance of 6 August 2018 (“Code”) in managing the business and affairs of the Company, to protect shareholders’ interests and to improve shareholders’ value as well as corporate transparency. The Board will continue its efforts and invest further resources as would be appropriate to enhance its corporate governance.

The corporate governance report on Page 26 of the 2023 Annual Report sets out the practices and activities of the Group during the financial year ended 31 December 2023, with specific references made to the Code.

To read more about corporate governance, please find the document below.

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The Board of Directors of HIHL, being responsible for the strategic direction of HIHL, recognizes the importance of environment, society and governance (“ESG”). As an investment company, ESG considerations are reflected in the Group’s investment strategies and policies. Management’s investment decisions are made in light of these ESG considerations. Management’s attention is drawn to be guided by the SGX Sustainability Reporting Guide and Practice Note in their investment decisions. The Board reviews and monitors material ESG factors in its review of the new investments of the Group. With respect to the Group management and employees, sustainability considerations are reflected in our performance based employee remuneration and service conditions which are designed to attract and retain talent in a conducive work environment.

The Group is undertaking steps to report on climate-related disclosures based on the recommendations of the Task Force on climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) as recently announced by SGX.

As Hotung International Co., Ltd. (“HIC”) is the Company’s subsidiary, this Report will also cover HIC’s operation. To read more about sustainability report, please find the document below.

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The Group is committed to a high standard of compliance with accounting, financial reporting, internal controls, corporate governance and auditing requirements and any legislation relating thereto.

The Group has zero tolerance to fraud, bribery, corruption and other unethical conduct.

In line with this commitment, this Whistleblowing Policy aims to provide an avenue for employees, vendors and service providers to raise and report serious wrongdoings or concerns, particularly in relation to fraud, controls or ethics without fear of reprisals for whistleblowing in good faith, and ensure that robust arrangements are in place to facilitate independent investigation of the reported concern and for the appropriate follow up actions to be taken.

To read more about Whistleblowing Policy, please find the document below.

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