Since 1987, Hotung Venture Group has invested in over 700 companies with a total value currently worth more than US$ 5 billion.
Incorporated in 1987, Hotung Venture Group is Taiwan’s only leading venture capital investment management group. The holdings company of the Group has been listed on the Singapore stock exchange since 1997 (SGX:BLS). Over the past 30 years, Hotung has invested in over 700 companies and over 200 have successfully been acquired through M&A or listed on the major stock exchanges, including TWSE, HKEX, NEEQ, NASDAQ/NYSE, AIM/ OFEX.
We continually invest in technologies and innovations which meet the underlying needs in society aiming to improve general living standards, such as Ecommerce, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Biotech and Agricultural innovations as well as disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Cloud services and much more.
Our team with average 19 years of accumulated investment expertise, experience and connections with a truly diverse portfolio. Hotung continuously strives to capitalize, nurture and grow its portfolio in an increasingly fast moving market by investing in novel and blossoming businesses and technologies.